Wednesday 25 November 2015

Peer Pitch & Feedback

We were split into groups of three in our class, Charlie, Tasha and I. Each person had to present their Prezi to the other two, whilst writing notes. Here is the feedback I received from Charlie and Tasha:

Good use of media terms demographic and psycho-graphics.
Men do drink more tea than women, false statement in Toby’s presentations.  
18 isn’t the correct age of people who tend to start drinking tea, people can drink tea at any age. 
Good information about the brand, makes the audience understand about the product if they have never heard of the brand.  
Advertised in the morning, although I think that the advert would be better off being shown on TV around 6pm when people are home from work.  
Good idea for the re-branding of the product.  
I like the idea of comparing the new re-brand advert to another product. 

I feel that each of these comments are good to have as feedback but feel that the comment about the age may be incorrect. I feel that most people drink tea but it is at an age that you go out of your way to make your own cup of tea, from this feedback I will change the wording so that its about the age that you make the tea rather than the age that you drink it.

The feedback has also shown me that I should place the advert later in the evening as most people get home from work at this time. I do feel that in the morning is a good placement too as that is a main time for tea consumption. Furthermore when I wrote about women drinking more tea, I forgot to consider labour men whom drink as much tea as social women maybe even more.

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