Thursday 21 January 2016

Evaluation - PG Tips


Create your own user feedback survey

We were given the brief to Re-brand a company produced by Unilever. The main aim was to change the target audience for our chosen product, we were allowed to change the age difference to whatever we wanted. As long as we changed the age range from what it currently was advertised as. 
Our group consisted of Charlie, Liam and I, just two of us in the group were already analysing PG tips so we chose to create an advert for this company. We thought this would be a good product to advertise as most of the current adverts are aimed towards older people rather than younger. We felt that the current target age was between 30-60 years, so we decided to drop the age so that teenagers would start drinking tea sooner rather than later.

To gain an understanding of what our target audience thought of our advert we decided to create a survey on 'Survey Monkey'. The website meant that we could create a link which could then be sent to friends and family, the link would take the participant to our survey were they could fill in the answers based on the questions we had written. 
We also watched our advert with the class, each member in the class was given a sheet to fill in. The sheet contained around 5 questions, the last question asking what they wanted to rate the film out of ten. Luckily every member in our class was aged between the age of 16-19 so this perfectly fitted with the age range that our advert was aimed toward.

I feel that our advert was appropriately aimed toward the target audience as we used 3 teenagers as the actors. We also made our slogan based around the fact that we were trying to gain the attention of this age range, our slogan was 'Putting the tea in teanager'.
 Not only did we entice teenagers with the slogan we also made the advert look modern and was always moving, we used clever trickery to make the the camera look as if it was placed perfectly in each environment. By doing this we gain a nice set of shots that we could simply stitch together creating a smooth changing advert.

As the advert was about tea we made the colours feel warm, this gave a relaxing feel for the viewers. By creating a relaxing atmosphere the viewer wants to pour themselves a cup of tea. Another way in which we made the clip relaxing was by keeping the camera in a constant fixture location, by having little movement the viewers eyes aren't strained when trying to keep up with whats happening in the advert. 
We chose to use an acoustic soundtrack from garage band as this fitted well with our advert and made the advert much more natural. The acoustic soundtrack also fitted well with all of the sound effects that we added in. Each sound the characters created i.e. the kettle boiling, pouring water, dropping the tea bag in and sipping from the cup were added in afterwards. The sounds were found on, the website gave us a variety of different effects that fitted well with the advert. Enhancing the audio was one of biggest aims as the clip does seem to move slowly at points. 

The editing on our advert was fast pace and well executed, Liam took on the main role to edit our advert as he found it easy to sync the clips with the audio. Liam also had the best knowledge of the software so was teaching us how to do different edits when it was needed. The main focal point of the advert was the box of PG Tips as this was in every scene, by placing the box in every scene the viewer gains a clear understanding of what we were trying to advertise. 

After looking at our results from survery monkey, 100% of viewers stated that PG tips was advertised well. Even though people felt that we advertised PG tips well, 72.73% said the advert hasn't made them want to buy this companies tea bags over anyone elses. Which shows that our advert did lack effectiveness when trying to sell more.
To sell our product we felt that the best way to catch the eye of the viewer was by having a teenager making the tea, by having the actors the same age as the target audience we felt that the viewer would be able to compare to the advert. We also tried to make the advert fast pace as this would keep the viewer enticed when watching the clip.

As our target audience was teenager we tried to show them that tea is very simple to make and could be made in just a short amount of time. Most teenagers find that things are too much effort or they can be asked, with our advert showing how long it takes this could entice them to drink more tea. 

To ensure that we kept to the BCAP code we made the product look as if it tasted good, at the end of the advert each character took a sip and said 'ahhhh'. We have also ensure that the advert doesn't show signs of bad nutrition such as inferring that every cup of tea must have a spoonful of sugar in. As we didn't include any signs of sugar in the advert the viewers aren't being shown that putting sugar in the tea is the best way to make it.

Overall I feel that our advert turned out exactly how we wanted it to, we made sure to follow the storyboard and shot list. As we followed these lists the filming was much easier and much more structured, we knew exactly what we had to shoot next and what things to expect. Although when planning our advert schedule we had arranged to film at my Nans house before christmas, unfortunately shooting took a little longer on certain days and meant that we weren't able to get there. As my Nan was away for a couple of days after christmas we then struggled to arrange another time to film, luckily my parents had a key to enter so we could shoot in the house anyway.

When planning our advert we were unsure whether to have any dialogue throughout, we decided to have dialogue at the very end but still were unsure what to actually say. After playing around with the advert, I designed a final caption which then went onto be the dialogue that would be used. Overall this was a good decision as in our feedback a couple of the applicants felt that the voice/caption at the end was 'convincing and professional'.

I'm really happy with how our advert turned out, I like how fluid it is and that it doesn't look like an amateur clip. We did have some problems along the way such as the clip at the start were the camera follows Liam was a little shaky at points, we were unable to film with the shoulder mount as the camera had to be placed onto the worktop. The main problem was that with the mount below the camera the height was increased by around an inch which meant that sequel of shots would have been even further out from each other. 
On the other hand the landing shot was fantastic and I'm very happy with how that worked out. I also feel that the sound effects that were added fit the clip perfectly and sound almost real. Along with the sound effects was the sound track which blended excellently with the overall atmosphere of the advert.  

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