Thursday 5 May 2016

3 Minute Wonder Proposal

I intend to talk to the leaders at my local Cub group about why they help with Cubs, I would like to show the public why they volunteer and what they gain from it. The Documentary will mainly be filled with interviewees, with some shots showing the Cubs having fun and playing games. I hope to interview at least 4 different leaders, more if possible. A lot of the documentary will be Observational, as I intend to have the leaders voices over the top of the Cubs. There will also be signs of Reflexive as the leaders are going to be asked questions and will take up most camera time. The genre of my documentary is educational, as I wish to teach people that its 'ok' for you to help out younger children. It also has rewarding aspects too which I hope to teach people about. 

My target audience will be the age at which you're allowed to become a leader, so from 14+. With the large target audience this means that anyone can watch the clip and enjoy it, rather than focusing it on a small cluster of viewers, making increasing the viewers a lot harder. Therefore the primary will be people aged from 14+ and the secondary is those people that want to become a leader when they're old enough, so aged from 10-13. I wouldn't want my target audience to be any younger than that because I feel that they wouldn't understand the concept of how tough it can be to lead a group of young children. This means that their isn't any sort of demographics on my clip, as Cubs is multi faithful anyone can watch it and find it interesting. Although there is one demographic that effects my clip which is gender, all of the leaders are Male, so I feel that this may effect the viewers as they may find it difficult to relate if all of the 'talents' are Male. I feel that Psycho graphics will majorly effect the clip, if some has good personality then they will love to hear and watch about helping the community. I mainly intend to aim at the Heartlanders group of Psycho graphics, as they are the family group that look out for the best things they can do for others. By reaching out to them, this has an effect as they may think differently about taking their children to Cubs. 

I hope to show people that helping at Cubs is fun and rewarding, its also for any age and any gender. By creating a documentary this shows people what its like to be a leader, they're then able to compare and relate. It would then be amazing for them to go out and try it themselves, its my way of sharing a great hobby to other people for them to also enjoy. 

I will be filming at the Scout Hut in Gorleston, this is the location were 2nd Gorleston meet. As I also live in Gorleston, travelling to and from will be quick and easy this means that I can shoot more than once if necessary. I can also drive so moving equipment to the location at which I'm going to be shooting at is very simple. This is my only location for shooting so I will not be wasting time with travelling to the location. 

Sample Interview Questions

  • How long have you been a Cubs Leader for?
  • Why do you help at Cubs?
  • How do you come away from Cubs feeling?
  • How did you get into leading at Cubs? 
  • What are your future plans for 2nd Gorleston Cubs?

I have been given £5 for any props or costumes that I may need for the production of my documentary. Although there are no extra things that I need to use for my documentary so I won't need to use the money we have been given. The only cost that will arise is the price of my petrol to the location but unfortunately we're unable to claim on our fuel. Luckily all filming equipment is provided for us at our Sixth Form so I intend to use a Canon 700D with a 50mm lense as this gives a really clean effect on the visuals. I will also use a tripod when filming as this makes the shot steady whilst filming the interviews. 

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