Monday 16 May 2016

Existing and Developing Technologies

Consumer Products

Most households have a camera this means that most are able to create a home film or clip, although in the 21st century cameras on phones are starting to level the market so in some cases people take photos or clips using there smartphone. Once the clip or photo has been taken you're able to edit them, companies have started to make it possible for consumers to purchase editing software such as Sony Vegas or Photoshop. By using these pieces of software you're able to compile clips or edit photos so that they're darker or lighter. Youtube is becoming bigger and bigger every day with many people having an account were they share videos that they have made, with these new software programmes consumers can start a new hobby making videos to post online.
Apple and Windows have in fact started to send out editing software on there computers when purchased, so most consumers that have a laptop are able to edit using either IMovie or Windows Movie Maker. 

Satellite and Cable

Houses are either connected through Satellite or Cable, these both mean that you're able to able to watch TV Broadcasters. Sky is a TV Broadcaster which only send there signals through satellite, this means that they only broadcast there TV signals to a Satellite Dish which sends the signals to each house with a Satellite installed. Cable is a slower technique of the two but flows underground so the signal could be much better although you do have to live in a modern area as most older houses aren't installed with cabling. Companies such as Virgin or BT send there signal through cable or Fibre optic. A much more popular technique in this age is Fibre Optic this method is more expensive but sends signals much stronger and quicker.

Analogue and Digital

From October 2012 you're now unable to watch analogue television, the process was called the "digital switchover". This meant that every house had to be upgraded from analogue to digital, digital is expensive and difficult to change although it allows you to watch many more channels. Analogue only in fact allowed you to watch a maximum of 7 channels, this meant you were very limited to choice. When new flat screen TVs started to become more available to consumers, more people were able to access digital TV as flat screens were fitted with software to control it. 

Internet and Interactive

Often the internet is respected by users in terms of media, most of the public visits websites which they've either payed for or are going to pay a one off to watch a certain film/tv show. Although there are a collect amount of the public that 'Pirate' media content, this means that they're obtaining an illegal copy of the content without paying. This means that the company receives zero money from that user and could lose the title completely from copyright. However if the user pays for the content fee then they're able to interact, in some cases the user is able to place the film onto a smaller device such as an ipod or tablet. Companies that own this sort of content make it easier as they add a code that allows you to install the film to a smaller device. The user is also able to stop, start and record the content but then cannot send the copy out for money.  

High Definition and 3D

Many televisions in the 21st century display in HD Display, this means that the video, audio and interface quality are much better than standard quality. Still most movie fans tend to watch new films in the cinema as the immersion and movie experience is much greater, as the cinemas are still developing you now have the choice between standard, IMAX and 3D. 3D struggles to compete with IMAX, as its expensive to watch the films and in some cases people find that they have to endure a headache half way through. A major blockbuster hit that made more consumers more enticed to watch 3D was the film Avatar, It used impressive visuals and motion to create a immersive film experience. Shortly after release it became the top grossing film of all time. 

Pay Per View, On-Demand Viewing, Streaming Content and Digital Recorders

In most cases people tend to stream a TV show as they find that they have missed it or found that it clashed with another show. We find it difficult to keep up to date with TV as we find that most programmes clash with other shows, and with the ability to only watch one at a time its almost certain that the person will miss one. Luckily most houses are starting to install either digital recorders or have sky installed. So most of the population tend to watch TV at a different point, after the show has been broadcasted to the general public. Although one session that a lot of the population will ensure that they're free for is 'pay per view', this means that you pay a one off amount so that you have the licence for a limited amount of time. Most boxing matches are pay per view and this is how they make the amount of money to give the boxers. 

Streaming content is similar to downloading but both have there differences, streaming means that you're taking content from the internet and watching it through wifi. With streaming you don't keep the content on the computer you watch it once and then the file disappears whereas downloading and recording means that you keep the content until you wish to delete it. For example SKY Boxes allow you to record TV shows, the content is then stored until you wish to delete it or watch it. Although its very easy to download and record most people tend to stream as this takes up very little space, also many companies that allow you to watch films with a subscription just allow you to stream it.  

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