Thursday 12 May 2016

Ownership and Funding

Ownership Concepts

Public Service Broadcasting refers to the public TV shows that are created to entertain the public rather than to gain money from the views. An example of this is BBC as the channel shows no signs of advertisement or product placement. BBC in an unprofitable organisation as they're funded completely by the government, this article completed by the BBC shows how much they gain from each household. 

Commercial Broadcasting this is a group of channels that are funded by advertising companies rather than the government. Companies such as ITV make the money to broadcast shows from corporate/private that wish to post advertisement onto there
broadcasting station. With this sort if channel there is no government assistance, the public do not pay for this channel, it is completely run on the money made from these sponsoring businesses. Commercial Broadcasting is also very reliant on ratings and channel views, if they have more views and higher ratings then these private sponsors are gonna pay more for the advertisement space. Whereas if the channel was to have less views and bad ratings then the companies will not pay as much to have that space, thus meaning that the shows have lower budgets. 

Corporate and Private Ownership is a broadcaster that is owned by a private company or a non-governmental agency, although the company can be owned by a collection of different organisations. An example of Private ownership is MTV, which is a company that broadcasts to 16-25, the owners of the channel saw the gap in the market so they created this channel. This is different to BBC as they produce shows that will be for a much wider range of ages.

Global Companies have a business that stretches worldwide, any sort of trading or
viewing is completed worldwide. By creating a show or channel that is universal the company will gain more money and publicity. An example of this is Youtube because anywhere in the world that you're your able to view Youtube videos. As Youtube is a social website creators are able to place there video on the internet from anywhere in the world. 

Vertical Integration is were a company owns an entirety of items across different sectors, so for example a business could own a Newspaper but also have there own TV Broadcasting Station. A prime example of this is Warner Bros. which is owned by Time Warner more specifically the film Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, shows a clear sign of vertical integration. The reason why is because in many cases HBO broadcasted a behind the scenes viewing of Harry Potter before the film was released to the public. It also ran a special segment in Time Magazine to ensure that people went to watch it. This is an example of Vertical Integration because Time Warner not only used a TV Broadcaster to advertise there film but they also used the papers. 

Horizontal Integration this process means that the company stays in the same sector and buys out other companies to make themselves bigger although they don't have to buy out companies they can just develop themselves in that sector. An example of this is SONY whom created Casino Royale, but more specifically it was created by MGM and Columbia Pictures who're owned by SONY. SONY also created the soundtrack for Casino Royale and dispersed it onto Blu-Ray which is also owned by SONY. This showing that SONY colonised by buying out Columbia Pictures and MGM, then developed there company so that they could create the films audio and products. 

Funding Types

The Licence Fee is a set amount of money that you have to pay to be able to watch Public Service Broadcasted TV Shows, the licence also covers Televisions whether they're colour or black and white. Most british citizens have to pay this annual fee so they're able to use most technology in the house. Even if you're watching BBC Iplayer you must pay a licence fee as this is sourced by the BBC, which most of the fee is payed too.

Subscription in terms of media means that you pay a daily, monthly or annual fee towards TV broadcasting. For example a Corporate company such as SKY charge monthly as they own channels such as Discovery, Sky Atlantic and Comedy Central. By paying the monthly subscription you're able to watch any channels that are broadcasted by SKY as you have payed for there licensing. 

One off Payment to Own Product means that you pay a set amount and that product becomes yours forever, you're able to reply as many times as you wish. An example of this is DVDs, once you have bought the DVD it becomes yours, you're given the licence to watch the film. But that does not mean that you're able to create copies of it and sell it on.

Pay Per View is a process that only allows you to watch your chosen programme once the payment has gone through, in most cases you're able to watch the purchased clip for a certain time limit or a certain amount of times. Virgin Media often do this when a Boxing match is on, you have to pay there licencing fee, whether or not you already have the subscription to them, you must pay to watch that certain match when it is broadcasted. 

Sponsorship is when a company or broadcaster likes what you've created so they would sponsor you to create more, when they have payed you to make what you're making they will then broadcast that show onto there channel. An example of this is the Neistat Brothers who created just a few TV Shows and then sent them to HBO, whom after time decided they liked what the Neistat Brothers were creating so they sponsored them to create more. HBO would pay them money to make more shows so that HBO are able to broadcast it to there viewers.

Advertising is a method for a broadcaster to continue displaying shows, by having advertising spaces companies pay the broadcasters to show there product of. By doing this the broadcaster is able to pay for different shows, the more views the channel has the more expensive it'll be for a company to post there advert onto it. The slots just before Coronation Street are worth millions as this is the most viewed show on a channel that allows advertising. 

Product Placement is were a company pays a specific programme or film to place there product into it, but in some cases the owner of the film/programme may want there product to be enhanced by there show. In Hotel Transylvania there are many references to Sony Experias, this is because Sony has produced the film so they want there viewers to see there products aswell as watch a great film. The video shows all of the placements in the second film...

Private Capital means that a broadcaster is directly funded by a private owner or company. For example Facebook have just bought Oculus so that they can continue to develop software for users. By doing this both companies will gain a profit from the product, it helps to both expand the company that have sold the product and it also helps to advertise. 

Crowd Funding is were a company puts out to the public to support them into making there film. So all money is raised by the general public in aim to create what they have put out the asks for support on. Kickstarter, is a website that allows creators to put
forward their ideas. Users of the website can then chose to back a project or ignore it, if they chose to back the project the user can donate from $1 up. If the backer puts forward enough money they can become eligible for rewards from the creators. If the movie is good and gains enough support, then the movie can be produced. As well as films creators are able to upload products, an example of this is the OUYA which is an indie game
console that allows you to play games through your TV. Although with OUYA the console is just a small cube so it can be moved around with ease and it also allows you to play android games. After reaching the deadline OUYA had made $8.5 million, which was 904% of their original goal. 

Development Funds help to broaden the quality, ambition and range for film directors situated in the UK. You're able to apply for development funds but could be declined, the way to apply is through this selection of programmes. 
  • First Feature Film Development Programme
  • Feature Film Development Programme
  • Production Company Vision Awards
  • Signature Awards
BFI is a prime example of development funding, the company is a charitable film organisation mainly known as the British Film Institute. The business helps to fund those creators that need a little bit more money for production, the proposer is able to apply for funding at what ever level he/she is. Animated films are also allowed to apply for funding.

A recent film that has been funded by the BFI was 'The Lobster', a film about a hotel in which single peopler are placed. They must find romance within 45 days or they are transferred into a specific animal and sent into the wild. The film used famous actors such as John C Reilly and Collin Farrell, when released the film brought in near to $7,000,000.


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